(((RAGHAVENDRA RATHORE)))))))))))))))

Social Media Storytelling for Raghavendra Rathore.
To develop RR’s Social Media into a digital museum,
we created a series of grids. Each grid unfolding as an anecdotal tapestry, weaving stories of brand's deep roots in the cultural heritage and artisanal craftsmanship of Jodhpur. The tales of traditional techniques, the inspiration behind collections, and the modern interpretation of classic styles, inviting the audience into the world of Raghavendra Rathore.

Central to this vocabulary was Jodhpur's rich design lexicon, featuring motifs, patterns, and architectural elements iconic to the region, harmoniously blended with high-quality typographic layouts and its integration with brands varied collections. Curated to unfold story sequences dedicated to a specific theme, collection, or narrative, the arrangement foundationally crystallised the visual impact and coherence of brands storytelling.